Hello, Wonderful!

Is Being the Light Burning You Out?

Customized Rest Coaching for the Tired World-Changer


Recharge your being

Reframe your view

Reclaim personal + collective power


The Perils of Compassion Fatigue

You’re someone who feels the pain of the world. You know there is a lot that needs to change, for people you love and their communities.

You work hard, and know how to get things done.

And you are. freaking. exhausted.

So you don’t get the deep rest you really crave…when you manage to pause.

There has to be a way to make this better.

Because change starts with you.

And you can’t afford to burn out any further. You don’t have to do this alone.

Your Joy is Your Fuel

You have a vision for a world of hope, connection, and justice.

And if you’re paying attention to what’s going on in the world, you know it can be hard to face the daily grind of a world full of injustice and suffering.

Without a way to dissolve your own overwhelm every day, you’ll forget why you want to change the world in the first place.

It’s worth creating a rest-and-reset prescription – made exactly for your full life – so you can reclaim your joy, purpose, and ease in taking meaningful action.

Change the World Faster…By Sleeping On It

I’m an active college professor who teaches and researches on how society gets under the skin. I also support women to find their life’s purpose.

And once becoming a mama of twins, one with complex special and medical needs, coupled with a busy professional life, I felt exhaustion like none I’d ever imagined.

I could barely get a moment to myself that wasn’t in the wee hours of the night. How could I—of all people—find energy to help other people play bigger in the world?

Through years of trial and error, I finally figured out that bone-crushing fatigue isn’t something I “just had to live with.”

Re-learning how to rest deeply was transformative.

In addition to my years of academic schooling and social justice community building, I was moved to teach Daring to Rest™ so I could share the gift of this powerful experiential method.

A critical health psychology researcher and health coach by training and passion, I also instruct a range of practical tools for bringing greater flexibility into one’s system. These include breathwork, bioenergetics, neural retraining, emotion metabolism, and mindset shifting.

For decades, I’ve coached professional women to step into their life purpose as world changers.

Reclaim your energy to be the change you want to see in the world.

Try This Free 15-Minute Guided Rest Meditation

You'll feel refreshed and on the way to liberating your well-rested world changer.


I've fallen in love with the amazing rest-based activism you taught me! Resting to Rise is truly revolutionary! It taught me that I don't need to choose between activism and self-care; in fact, giving myself the deep rest I need is an invaluable gift for my own wellbeing AND for my activism. I never realized how much my built up exhaustion was limiting my ability to emotionally connect, deeply listen, and creatively problem-solve. Resting to Rise helped me reduce stress, deepen my connection with my body, my feelings, and others, and find insight about how to integrate everything I've learned and experienced to be a more creative, effective, and joyful activist (and student, and human!). Truly a must for any activist, or anyone craving rest, connection, and insight!

— Isabel Schroedel, Student-Activist


I attended a Resting to Rise community nap—which was part instruction, part meditation, and part dreamland—and I have not stopped talking about it since. Dr. Jackson gave us tools to use to help us focus, relax, and sleep and I have been relying on her wisdom and helpful guidance since our workshop together. Resting to Rise is a gift to all of us who are over-stretched, over-stressed, and over-taxed...and maybe that is all of us. Thank you Benita!

— Rev. Dr. Andrea Ayvazian, Founder and Director, Sojourner Truth School for Social Change Leadership


Benita is such a genuinely warm and caring person. Her monthly Yoga Nidra workshops are an oasis of peace and calm for me. It’s important for me to be able to trust the healing professionals I work with, and as a woman of color sometimes I have felt alienated, but Benita has such integrity that trust comes naturally. After each of our sessions, I have felt calmer and more centered. I can feel a shift in my energy for the better. :) Highly recommend working with her.

— Fatima Viola, Poet, Speaker, and Storyteller


My life was hectic and I had never heard of Yoga Nidra, as I was just entering the wellness space.

Yoga nidra was such a great experience to partner with you on to go with Sound Healing. It was a perfect combination for those attending online events.

The IN-Body coaching helped me connect to my youth and think about emotions I may have forgotten about or needed in my life.

I've maintained calming myself in highly stressful situations by just remembering to run through the body points, acknowledging what they are feeling, and then relaxing the areas where there is tension.

— LaCriscia M. Fowlkes, CEO of Epigenetic Transformation


Things in my life were confused. I participated in a 20-month Mastermind she led. Benita is an excellent holder of space. She listens from her heart and asks questions in such a way that is empathic and insightful. After a conversation with Benita I come away with clarity and sense of being seen.

Benita, the leader and the carrier of space
Beautiful facilitator executed with grace.
A multi talented knowledge loving nidra musician
Each month progressing and forming her vision.

— Shani, Occupational Therapist


I came to Resting to Rise feeling not grounded! Chaotic and feeling a lack of control about things. I loved you as a coach. I appreciated your warm, loving, supportive, and gentle presence. You felt very present with me. I also appreciated how you truly worked with where I was at with breathing. I liked your gentle nudges in the day to breathe — never felt forced. I liked the presentations and appreciated learning the reasons why behind breathing. I feel more grounded when conscious breathing is part of my day. It allows me to pause, center and ground my energy. I am also more ok with the chaos around me. I’m less irritable with my family. My son has commented that I’m calmer. I’m more content overall.

— S.R. MD, Psychiatrist


I was struggling to be mindful which in turn impacted my ability to function. I was struggling to deal with my racing thoughts. I lead a very busy life so it was hard to concentrate and be present. Being guided through the yoga nidra, breathwork…really helped me calm down and sit with my thoughts and be present in my body. I feel like I seldom take the time to do that.

I now have a renewed appreciation for meditation and similar practices. I no longer aim to "think about nothing" but rather take the time to sift through my thoughts and successfully identify where they are coming from. When I do that, I am able to fall deeper into healing and peace.

My favorite thing about the sessions is the way that I usually come out with actionable steps to all the racing thoughts and problems in my mind and if I'm unable to do that, at the very least, I always come out relaxed like never before.

— M.G., Researcher

I was feeling socially isolated—disconnected from a community of people who shared my value for connection and who embraced a need for radical self-care, vulnerability, healing, and our humanity. I wasn’t making time in my life to rest and meditate as I needed with a profession that demands being busy all the time and the kind of work that can weigh on my spirit at times. My time for “rest” mainly consisted of disconnecting by watching TV instead of the type of rest my body and mind were craving—stillness, meditative, affirming, loving. Really, I feel like prior to engaging in practices offered through Resting to Rise practices, my life was mostly about making it through the day rather than finding ways to thrive and find joy and meaning each day.

Gratefully, I have had the opportunity of working with Benita in various capacities and being the recipient of so many wonderful outcomes because of it. In fact, I am so thankful that Benita never gave up on having me try out yoga nidra—always encouraging me to take part in it whenever I could and made sense for me. I finally found the time to make space for it in my life.

Benita’s calmness and warm personality, loving affirmations, and simple directions collectively made it a pleasurable experience. In fact, since that first experience, I knew I had to engage in this practice (with Benita as facilitator) more often. In my professional life, I have been extremely fortunate to be a recipient of Benita’s thoughtful, attentive, tender, affirming, and all-around superb mentorship. As someone who values deep connection with others and appreciates working with other professionals who value and respect others’ differences, strengths, and contributions, being mentored by Benita filled a void in my professional life that I not had but needed, especially at a stage where finding joy and meaning in my work has taken precedence over producing for the sake of meeting professional benchmarks. And, as a woman of color faculty, it has been key to be mentored by someone who genuinely listens to my professional concerns and helps me process them in a kindhearted manner, does not minimize my lived experiences, affirms my worth and value to the academy, and empowers me to claim my space in a way consonant with my personality (as an introvert and shy person) and in meaningful and purposeful ways. Of note, Benita has not only helped me find greater purpose and joy in my work, she has also opened up a wealth of valuable professional opportunities for me, connecting me to diverse and thoughtful research groups and scholars in and outside my field, nominating and sponsoring me for things I might not have felt ready for or been hesitant about, and always sharing and keeping in the loop about resources and professional opportunities that will help advance my academic goals, and more importantly, that will advance my goals of making the academy a more just and humane environment in the present and for future generations. It truly has been a rich and empowering experience to work with Benita in all the ways I have had the great fortune to—the personal and professional treasures and assets I have gained have paid dividends in my life and have had intergenerational effects—those I mentor, teach, and interact with all benefit in wonderful ways from the stock of resources they have access to.

I can honestly say that I feel much more whole and aligned with who I am deep at my core as a human being, not just a professional. I have noticed so clearly the shift in my mindset—one where I practice gratitude, self-compassion, and reflect on my experiences more consistently, and where I can heal and grow from difficult workplace experiences without denying their existence and the impact they have on me. I also feel more invigorated and fuller of life and energy that I felt was consumed during my tenure-track years, which allows me to work from a space of excitement and motivates me to move important work forward, rather than from a space of needing to prove my abilities or worth to others. In my collaborations, I continue to share unfinished works in progress as a way of practicing how to be vulnerable with my work and to allow myself to learn from what collaborators can contribute to the work as well. Benita’s constant encouragement to engage in the things that vitalize me and bring out my creativity has encouraged me to pick back up hobbies I previously found stimulating and calming (i.e., drawing, writing poetry, reading non-academic books) as well as engaging creative pursuits that I have always dreamed of such as DJ’ing and learning to experiment with beats. I have found that Benita’s support of me—as a whole person—has reactivated my passion for the things that made me pursue an academic career (research, teaching/educating, mentoring/empowering) and my love and fascination of creative and healing arts. Overall, I feel that I have a more bright, spirited, and colorful outlook on both my professional and personal life. Importantly, where once these two domains in my life appeared to be separate pieces to a large puzzle, I now feel and sense how they are integrated and have begun to see these pieces of my life in their totality. All the ways I have benefited from Benita’s work with me have helped me assemble a more authentic self that continues to grow each day.

— Kristine M. PhD, Associate Professor


For two years I'd been caring for adults who needed me: first my father during a terminal illness, then my disabled widowed mother, followed by my husband who was diagnosed with a serious illness. This while being employed full-time in tech and having increased responsibilities at work.

Though I'd known of Benita's work for years, our work together started in earnest when my husband was hospitalized under emergency circumstances. First, it was about breathwork and calming my (understandably stressed) nervous system, but it grew to encompass other modalities, including yoga nidra and EFT. The breathwork and Benita's coaching was absolutely instrumental in keeping me present, engaged, and calm during my husband's 10-day hospitalization and the long period of recovery that followed. Most importantly, Benita's coaching was precisely tailored to meet my needs in the moment. Her support was loving, wholehearted, and accepting, while simultaneously coaching and (gently) nudging me towards practices that improved my overall well-being. She's also been unfailingly generous with sharing valuable resources from her own teachers and mentors, so that the effects from her coaching extend far beyond our Zoom sessions together. Everyone needs a Benita in their life!

My understanding of "self-care" has entirely shifted in transformative ways. Benita showed me the value of making "small deposits" into my self-care bank. I previously struggled with meditation; through Benita's breathwork coaching, I have discovered a path to mindfulness that works well for me at this stage of life (middle age with increased caregiving responsibilities). Most significantly, I am now developing a solid understanding of what constitutes self-care and what doesn't, and how true liberation can be achieved not only for myself but for everyone I interact with. Benita identified the root, systemic, environmental causes of resistance to my own self-care, thus freeing me from the sense of guilt and failure that burden so many of us women in this area. She's opened to the door to even deeper exploration, which I will hopefully be continuing with her!

— Shimi Rahim, Writer & Tech Professional


This past fall, I was lucky to be paired with Benita as part of a career development workshop. One of the first qualities I noticed about her was her generosity as a listener. Her insightful questions quickly got at core issues, while her empathic reflections energized and inspired me. I found her to be a wonderful thought partner who naturally creates a creative space in which to think on multiple levels about what was important to me. She has many gifts and talents as a listener, attentive, caring and able to integrate complexities in ways that made speaking with her fun, empowering and generative.

—Argo Caminis MD MPH, Psychiatrist


[I’d been] scattered, flailing.

In our yoga nidra sessions, your  gentle, loving guidance helped me trust enough to allow space for a soul whisper.

Rather than flailing, as if frantically flapping my arms to keep from drowning, I'm floating and swimming now. 

Nothing under my feet, can't touch bottom, and now that sensation liberates rather than producing fear. 

—Connie Dominguez RAC (Regulatory Affairs Certification)


After experiencing Resting to Rise, I find myself thinking about the importance of reframing how I view the world so that it reflects a more positive outlook. As a result I am discovering "glimmers" every day.

—Anonymous, Psychologist


I really struggled with rest and slowing down. Giving myself space to feel, think, process, heal, etc. had been really difficult and often held guilt when enacting self-care.

My time 1:1 coaching with Benita has been transformative. The power of breathwork...and other forms of restoration [she coached me on] has been one of the absolute best things I have ever prioritized for myself and my team. A true gift to work with Benita. I am incredibly grateful for her grace and compassion.

[Things now are] much better. I breathe, stretch, engage [in some form of recharging practice] every day. At home and at work. I have also shared this gift with many friends and family members. I feel less anxious and have been able to rest and sleep much better.

—Angie T-G, Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer


Hi Benita. I so love your messages. I love the warm and nourishing tone and truth of them. Glad I am on the receiving end of them :)

Soooo wish I could tune in for tonight’s yoga nidra. The last one was like a hug <3

—Annie Salsich MSW, Juvenile Justice Reform Specialist


Your session [The Revolution Will Not Be Exhaustion: Rest as a Strategic Tool for Social Transformation] was really nice, a needed break from some of the heavier topics in the conference. I left your session feeling recharged and inspired!

—Lydia Prendergast PhD, Associate Dean, Douglass Women in Science and Engineering @ Rutgers


I have chronic pain and frequently struggle with rest. I listened to your recent session with Curable and then downloaded and listened to your guided practice on resting. While I did the practice I felt a sense of rest mid way through it.

—Ria, Mum to a Teenager and Dog Mum to a Cavalier


I’d love to keep working and partnering in the near future. I was truly impacted by your session [The Revolution Will Not Be Exhaustion: Rest as a Strategic Tool for Social Transformation] and kept those lessons close to my heart.

Corina Hernandez EdD, Assistant Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Princeton University - Department of Computer Science


I didn't give myself permission to rest because society and capitalism tell me that endless productivity means always doing. 

Towards the end of your workshop, I felt such a deep, grounded sense of peace and well-being. Even though my body is not well and stress is amplified in my life and work right now, I had a moment to get in touch with deep rest and healing.  

I feel like everyone needs what you did with us tonight. You provide the first step to rest, which then can propel us on to revolution, and in your words, "fuel movements."  

The phrase that reached my heart the most and is still nestled there is, "I am a well rested world changer." Imagine a world where we all feel rested AND active. 

I can tell already that this morning I am taking things more slowly, and I still have a sense of peace in my mind and heart. 

Honestly, I think the world needs your Resting to Rise workshop EVERY NIGHT for a year to heal from the pandemic, war, exhaustion, stress, and everything else that we carry around with us!

—Jackie Neish, Educator, Academic Coach, Parenting 4 Social Justice Book Group Facilitator


The world needs you well-rested.

More importantly, you need you well-rested.

Imagine what it’ll be like when you don’t just get through the day but thrive, with ease.

You want to get your energy back. Life is too short to spend it so depleted that even the causes you so passionately care about no longer ignite purposeful action.

I understand. Which is why I specialize in supporting social visionaries and change-makers to experience an utterly transformational mindset shift:

Being the change in the world doesn’t have to be so exhausting.

The good news is that even with a full life, you can find respite and vitality - daily. With a plan customized for your unique needs, expert guidance, consistent support, and even small imperfect-but-doable-and-regular-actions, you can rest your heart, release overwhelm, and rise to right action.

Create the change you want to see in the world – from the inside out.

Wanna change the world—but are kinda too tired?

Some days at work and in life, it feels like you've been climbing mountains.

But it's hard to make a difference if you're just too exhausted.

Lie down and close your eyes with this 15-minute guided rest meditation. You'll feel refreshed, and on the way to liberating your well-rested world changer.